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Plant based protein a good alternative to whey protein supplementation?

Posted Posted in Diet, Supplementation

There is no doubt that non-GMO, vegetarian, vegan, natural, organic, and plant based protein have been buzzwords in nutrition over the last few years. We all know that protein is great for building muscle, boosting the immune system, and regulating blood sugars. But what about vegetable based protein, will it actually do the job? Vegetable based protein is a great choice for people who have either egg or dairy allergies. A Cambridge study found that people using plant based protein as their biggest source of protein had no amino acid deficiencies and therefore were able to utilize the amino acids equally to their whey counterparts. Other studies show it could have less harmful side effects, as well. One study showed that male vegetarians under 65 were 45% less likely to have a heart attack than those who ate meat. Jim Morris is a vegan bodybuilder, who talks about how whey protein was giving him a lot of digestive problems, and the amazing difference plant based protein has made for him. A lot of people have questioned, if we can really use plant based protein the same as whey. Dr. Jordan Joy made a wonderful study titled, “The effects of 8 weeks of whey or rice supplementation body composition and exercise performance.” The results showed that there both groups of protein users gained muscle and strength, but there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. So, if you are deciding to go vegan, vegetarian due to digestive issues or just seeking a healthier life try switching up your protein supplement. It seems that plant based protein is a great option. If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us or comment below.

Some great options for plant based proteins include:


Sources for plant based protein:

The effects of 8 weeks of whey or rice protein supplementation on body composition and exercise performance.

The nutritional value of plant-based diets in relation to human amino acid and protein requirements

Plant-based foods and prevention of cardiovascular disease: an overview

Anaphylaxis after ingestion of a recently introduced hydrolyzed whey protein formula