
Nighttime eating. Should you eat before bed?

Ironsnack shark eating before bed nighttime eating

Some people avoid nighttime eating but is this the right move? Well some studies have shown that nighttime eating can actually increase your resting energy expenditure into the next morning. This means you are burning more calories when you wake up the next morning. Whey protein seemed to have the greatest effect on ramping up your resting energy expenditure when compared to casein protein or consumption of carbohydrates. Another study of 44 men showed an increase in muscle strength when protein consumption before bed was combined with resistance exercised compared to those who didn’t take protein supplementation before bed. In this same study men had greater gains in muscle mass as well. If these three positive effects weren’t enough to encourage you to have some delicious protein before bed a study published in 2012 showed that consuming casein protein just before sleep increased amino acid levels in the blood throughout the night and also increased protein synthesis. A study published just last year noted the benefits of increased muscle protein synthesis and cardiometabolic health in those that consumed small 150 calorie meals at bedtime (pretty close to a protein shake). Looking at the results of these studies it’s a no brainer to schedule a portion of your protein intake for the end of your day just before you lay your head on the pillow. This strategy will keep your muscles growing and boost your metabolic rate for the coming day.

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