
Dietary fats help you reach your fitness goals

Jacob discussing dietary fats

Dietary fats are essential for reaching your goals regardless of if you are cutting or bulking.
Not all dietary fats are your enemy! Why are they important and how it can they even alter testosterone levels? When making a diet try to ensure that you are getting plenty of healthy fats. Fats are needed for the body for many reasons one big reason is to help with the absorption of vitamins that dissolve in fat such as vitamins A,D,E, and K. These vitamins play vital roles in blood clotting, decreasing inflammation, decreasing free radical formation, and brain development. If that wasn’t enough there have also been studies that have shown diets low in fats can also lower testosterone, a hormone produced from cholesterol, which is important for muscle growth. When choosing your fats try and consume less saturated fats and look for more poly or mono unsaturated fats. Nuts, olive oil, and avocados are some great go to foods to provide you healthy fats for your diet. However keep in mind fats are also calorie dense so make sure you watch them carefully and don’t go overboard.
