A great cause

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Hey guys it’s Dylan. I don’t ask much from you guys besides checking out our free articles. However, if you are able and willing I ask that you consider donating to this cause. This guy I met down in Jamaica he is one of the most driven people I know. He has spirit, passion, and determination like no other. He just cleaned up the competition in Jamaica and now he is going for his physique pro card in Mexico. He is fund raising to help pay for the trip. I have linked his GoFundMe below. If you could spare a few bucks it could help him accomplish a very important goal in his life.


NPC Physique Preparation 7 Weeks Out

NPC Physique Preparation 7 Weeks Out

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I’m nearly 7 weeks from my second NPC physique show. Today I talk though my struggles of NPC physique preparation en route to the gym and show you a bit of my workout. I look forward to sharing my process as I get closer to the show. If you guys have any questions feel free to comment below. Also visit us on our website for science backed advice to help you meet your nutrition and fitness goals



Check out our YouTube page for helpful videos on meal prep and other science backed advice to help you meet your nutrition and fitness goals.
Ironsnack Fitness YouTube